I was asked to take a self-portrait of myself that reflected me or told a story about myself, and this is what happened. I wanted to take a nice photo with Chico, my grandpa's dog, but it was a disaster and I got tired of trying to wrestle him for a good photo op.
I've always loved animals and I feel like somehow, they always manage to play some role in my life. My first job was as a dog trainer actually. As of now I have two baby tortoises, Naruto and Kurama, and a beta fish name Mr. Darcy. They really do mean the world to me as silly as it sounds.
That's why I thought this picture was perfect. It shows my love for animals in a more personal way, which is shown by the dog being my grandpa's and the photo coming out chaotic. Also, I feel like the chaotic aspect really shows how I'm feeling and living right now. It's just the balance of school and work and everything else that has me running around and exhausted, but it's ok.
I had tried to put the phone down somewhere and get a nice picture, but Chico decided he wanted to go to war and thrash around so the camera was falling, and this was the best shot I could get of us, so I left it as is. A pretty good representation of my life, I think.